Products for use in the clinical diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases such as Celiac's disease and inflammatory bowel syndrome. Includes live, titered microorganisms for use in determining limits of detection (LOD) for assays and cross-reactivity studies.
Microgen GN-ID A + B - Combined 30 test system for the identification of aerobic and facultative anaerobic gram negative and oxidase bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and miscellaneous gram negative bacteria).
Microgen Bioproducts Campylobacter - A rapid latex slide agglutination test for enteropathogenic Campylobacter grown in enrichment broths or on selective plates.
Microgen GN-ID A - For the identification of aerobic and facultative anaerobic gram negative bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and miscellaneous gram negative bacteria).
Microgen Bioproducts GN-ID B - For use as an additional 12 test system for the identification of Miscellaneous Gram negative and oxidase positive bacteria.