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Abnova™ CCND3/CEN6p FISH Probe

Labeled FISH probes for identification of gene amplification using Fluoresecent In Situ Hybridization Technique.

Brand:  Abnova™ FG0084.100uL

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Product Code. 16033135

  • 1515.00€ / 100µL

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Includes: DAPI Counterstain (1500 ng/mL ) 125 uL for each 100 uL FISH Probe
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FISH is a technique used to identify and localize the presence or absence of specific DNA sequences on cells and tissues. Abnova has developed a range of FISH probes for the detection of gene amplification, loss, and translocation. Each FISH probe has a pair of locus-specific, fluorophore-labeled probes originated from a bacterial chromosome (BAC) library.


  • Dual colored probes for fast, sensitive, and specific detection
  • Work on metaphase spread, paraffin embedded, and frozen tissue
  • Identify gene amplification, loss, and translocation
  • High signal to noise ratio
  • Low cross reactivity



Store at 4°C in the dark.
DAPI Counterstain (1500 ng/mL ) 250 uL
100 μL
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (Cell), Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections)
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Abnova™ CCND3/CEN6p FISH Probe > 100 μL

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