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Cole-Parmer™ XRF Spec-Caps™ Cups

These XRF Spec-Caps™ Cups aid in the production of pressed powder sample disks for XRF, OES, and other analytical techniques.

Brand:  Cole-Parmer™ 3617M

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Product Code. 15310552

  • 518.00€ / Pack of 1000

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Aluminum cups aid in the production of pressed-powder sample discs for XRF.

  • Reinforces sample disks to resist chipping and breaking.
  • Makes sample disks easier to remove from the pellet die.
  • Minimizes contamination during sample handling.
  • Protects the bore of the pellet die from abrasive samples.
  • Shallow, thin-walled aluminum cups form the bottom and sides of the finished pellet to help reinforce XRF pellets.


XRF Spectrometers
Produces pellets 40 mm x 5 mm
38 mm
0.35 in.
1000 Pk.
Sample Cup
1.5 in.
Sample preparation
9 mm
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