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MP Biomedicals™ Lysing Matrix A, Bulk

Lysing Matrix A, Bulk contains sharp, angular flakes for grinding a range of sample types for DNA isolation.

Marke:  MP Biomedicals™ 116540423

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Artikelnummer. 15762282

  • 115.00€ / 200g

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Lysing Matrix A, bulk contains a garnet matrix made of sharp, angular flakes that are chemically inert and will not bind nucleic acid. The garnet matrix is a component of Lysing Matrix A tubes. For use on FastPrep instruments or any bead beater.

  • Used to lyse, grind or homogenize tough and resistant samples
  • Results in higher lysing efficiency for tough samples due to sharp, angular and irregular surfaces
  • Garnet matrix can be used very effectively for DNA isolation, but is very agressive and should be used with caution for RNA and protein isolation applications
  • Sample types: Animal and plant tissues, insects, nematodes and lysis of bacteria, yeast, fungi, and algae


Garnet Flakes
FastPrep instruments or other bead beaters
Lysing Matrix A (Garnet)
Lysing Matrix A (garnet)
Animal Tissues, Plants, Insects, Worms, Bacteria, Yeast, Fungi, Algae
Nucleic Acid Isolation and Purification, Homogenization
200 g


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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